Havana Water Front

Water Department

Water Billing

Business Office Hours

Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Service appointments must be made prior to 2:30 PM


Water Meters are read every month, at the beginning of the month.

Meter readings are measured to the nearest 1,000 gallon(s).

Water bills are mailed monthly, and are due within fifteen days or the second Friday of each month.

A 15% late fee will be imposed on the day after the due date.

Failure of customer to receive a monthly bill does not exempt from monthly payment, late charges, or disconnection. If you do not receive your monthly bill, call 309-543-6133 Ext. 4 and we will mail you a new copy.

See Understanding Your Bill below for information regarding what is on your monthly water bill

Understanding Your Bill 

Rate Description


Starting Service, Terminating Service, or NOT Receiving Your Water Bill?

Water Bills are not forwarded by the Post Office — WE MUST HAVE FORWARDING ADDRESS! 

Moving In? Havana Water Department requires a FULL water deposit before a water account can be switched into your name. The deposit must be made in person at City Hall with CASH OR CHECK (no online payments accepted for deposits unless previously arranged during extenuating circumstances); however, if this is an issue, please call 309-543-6133 Ext. 4 and speak directly with the water clerk regarding alternatives.

Moving Out? To schedule a service disconnection date and leave a forwarding address please call 309-543-6133 Ext. 4, or stop by City Hall. We MUST have a forwarding address to create a final bill and close your account.

Not Receiving Your Water Bill? We always mail the bills by the 24th of each month. If you do not receive your monthly water bill before the first week of the month, then you may want to contact your local USPS office. After bills get taken to USPS, they are no longer in control of the City of Havana, thus there is nothing that we can do to resolve these issues besides updating your mailing address. Is this becoming a continuous issue? File a USPS Complaint here: https://emailus.usps.com/s/daily-mail-delivery-inquiry




For new accounts, there is a $25 deposit required for home owners and $50 deposit required for renters (per City ordinance 13.04.260). This deposit must be made in person at City Hall with CASH OR CHECK (no online payments accepted for deposits unless previously arranged during extenuating circumstances). The deposit is applied to any outstanding balance after your account is closed. If the balance due on the final bill is less than the deposit, then a refund check will be mailed to the depositor at his/her forwarding address.




We accept cash, checks, money orders, online payments, and automatic bank payment (ACH).

To sign up for ACH, contact Water Clerk at 309-543-6133 Ext. 4 or stop by City Hall to complete the necessary paperwork.

For 24/7 Online Payments, go to the havanail.gov homepage, scroll down until you see a button titled Utility Payments under “Helpful Quick Links”. Select that button and follow the necessary steps to make a complete payment. Convenience fees do apply. Court Money is the ONLY online payment processing company endorsed by the City of Havana. Payments made to doxo will NOT be guaranteed and doxo is in NO WAY affiliated with the City of Havana. 




Drop Box

A drop box is located by the back entrance of City Hall, on Orange Street.
Payments received in the Drop Box are collected in the morning of each business day around 8:30 AM.



Need Assistance or have a Question?

For questions concerning missed garbage, recycling or yard waste pickups, call 309-543-6133.
For questions about your general account, billings or payments, call 309-543-6133 Ext. 4.

For questions regarding online utility payment issues, call 877-222-0377.

For Emergency After Hours water service, call 309-543-3321

For any additional questions regarding HOW and WHY your usage is what it is, visit https://www.havanail.gov/faq/



Water Quality Report

The City of Havana is pleased to provide this year’s Annual Water Quality Report. The report is designed to inform you about the quality of water and service we deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water.  We strive to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water sources.  We are pleased to report the drinking water is safe and meets state and federal requirements.

View Water Quality Report

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